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Mathematics Minor Form

Course Offerings

Mathematics Minor: 21 Hours

Requirements: 12 Hours

MTH 210 Calculus I 4
MTH 211 Calculus II 4
MTH 310 Calculus III 4

Electives: 9 Hours

Choose courses totaling nine hours from this list:
MTH 305 Number Theory 3
MTH 311 Differential Equations 3
MTH 331 Probability and Statistics 3
MTH 350 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
MTH 390 Independent Study 1-3
MTH 400 Special Topics 1-3
MTH 401 Modern Algebra I 3
MTH 411 Modern Algebra II 3
MTH 402 Modern Geometry 3
MTH 430 Foundations of Analysis I 3
MTH 431 Foundations of Analysis II 3
MTH 440 Topology 3
MTH 490 Independent Study 1-3