Mathematics Exit Exams

All mathematics majors are required to take a Major Field Test before graduation. Please contact the Mathematics Department Chair for details.

Please download the form, sign it and turn into your advisor.

Major without Teacher Education Form

Course Offerings

Mathematics Major: 41 Hours

Requirements: 27

Take each course on this list:
MTH 200 Discrete Mathematics 3
MTH 210* Calculus I 4
MTH 211 Calculus II 4
MTH 310 Calculus III 4
MTH 350 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3

Choose one course from this list:
MTH 311 Differential Equations 3
MTH 331 Probability and Statistics 3

Take one of the following sequences:
MTH 401 Modern Algebra I 3
MTH 411 Modern Algebra II 3
MTH 430 Foundations of Analysis I 3
MTH 431 Foundations of Analysis II 3

Electives: 9 Hours

Choose courses totaling nine hours from this list:
MTH 305 Number Theory 3
MTH 311 Differential Equations 3
MTH 331 Probability and Statistics 3
MTH 350 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
MTH 390 Independent Study 1-3
MTH 400 Special Topics 1-3
MTH 401 Modern Algebra I 3
MTH 411 Modern Algebra II 3
MTH 402 Modern Geometry 3
MTH 430 Foundations of Analysis I 3
MTH 431 Foundations of Analysis II 3
MTH 440 Topology 3
MTH 490 Independent Study 1-3

Additional Courses: (minimum) 5 Hours

PHY 241 General University Physics I 4
PHY 243 General University Physics I Laboratory 1

PHY 242 General University Physics II 4
PHY 244 General University Physics II Laboratory 1