We are getting excited about welcoming you to campus for the new semester! Take a look at this final information to make sure you are prepared for a great semester.

STOP! Do This First

Stay in contact with your enrollment counselor to make sure that you have completed all of your important paperwork. Do this first before you continue your preparations!

At the Airport

New students who have signed up for the shuttle will be welcomed at the airport by staff and Graduate Assistants form CGE. We will be wearing Campbellsville University Shirts. They will check your reservation and help you find the bus.

If you have not signed up for the shuttle, remember to do this by the deadline. You can sign up here.

Arriving on Campus

We have also prepared a welcome for you when you arrive on campus.

All students on the shuttle will be taken to the Library, where you will meet CGE staff and Resident Directors who will help you find your dorm and give you important orientation information.

If you are arriving on your own or with family, please come to campus on August 17 at 6:30 p.m. or August 18 at 10:30 a.m. for an easy and welcoming check-in experience. We will be there to answer all your questions, get you checked in to your dorm, and give you other important information for your first few days on campus.

Student IDs

You will want to get your CU Student ID as soon as possible after you arrive.

Follow these instructions to get your ID when you arrive on campus:

1. Take a photo for your ID. It should be from your mid-torso up and should include both shoulders. We will crop the photo as needed before printing your ID.


  • Be aware of your background. A solid background works best.
  • Remove dark glasses, scarves, hoods, or anything that obstructs your face or head.
  • You should be facing the camera front and center.
  • Please maintain a professional expression. Silly faces will not be accepted

2. Send an email to id_request@campbellsville.edu.

  • In the subject line type “Student ID Request”
  • In the message, provide the following information:
    1. Your Full Name
    2. Your Student ID Number
    3. Your Date of Birth
    4. Attach a JPEG copy of your headshot

3. Once your ID is printed and complete, you will receive an email telling you that your ID is ready for pick-up.

If you follow these instructions, your ID will be available when you arrive on campus. Please give the staff working on your ID a couple of days to get your ID ready. It is best if you send in your request early.


CGE Online Orientation

The CGE Online Orientation was created to make sure that you have the information you need without having to sit in long information sessions when you first arrive.

You will want to look at everything before in-person orientation so that you will have a good chance to win the Orientation Trivia Challenge and earn fun prizes.

We will send out the link and password for this orientation to everyone with an approved visa about a month before the beginning of the semester.

CGE Compass

This special orientation for international students is scheduled for Change the date to Saturday, August 19, and is required for all international students. Follow this link to find the schedule.

New Student Orientation (NSO)

This orientation will be for all new CU students, including ESL students. More information will be provided later, but you should plan to participate in all the activities.

Welcome Week

Join us for these activities to meet other students and begin to get involved at CU! Some of the most popular activities include Lake Day, the Welcome Festival, and the International Student Party.


Tuition should be paid before the semester begins. Check out this document to get more information about your payment options.

Send a copy of your visa to your enrollment counselor as soon as possible. We will contact you about class enrollment as soon as your visa is approved.

Campus Life

Studying in the U.S. is about more than just attending classes and making good grades. (Though classes and grades are really important too!)

Now you have the opportunity to experience everything that CU has to offer and to win some CGE swag!

During orientation we will give you a global engagement checklist and you will have one-semester to complete as many activities as possible. This will help you get involved on campus, give you a way to meet new and interesting people, and provide opportunities for you to explore U.S. and Kentucky culture.

We will tell you more during orientation!

Looking for Leaders!

  • Would you like some leadership experience?
  • Do you have ideas for fun activities?
  • Do you want to help improve CGE services?

Join the International Student Council (ISC) and tell us what you want!

We are looking for volunteers to join the ISC. The members of ISC will:

  • Attend monthly meetings
  • Advise CGE on programming, services, and policies
  • Promote international student involvement
  • Participate in and promote the International Fair

All international students currently enrolled at CU and living on Main Campus or in Campbellsville are eligible for membership. We want a diverse group of student leaders and would like to encourage anyone who is interested to apply.

This is an unpaid volunteer position. However, there will be fun benefits for those who participate.

Apply here or email Amanda at afgoforth@campbellsville.edu for more information.

CGE Guidebook

Learn more about Campbellsville University and what it is like to study in the U.S. Check out the CGE Guidebook for freshmen!

CGE Guidebook