The Campus Ministry council is a volunteer student leadership team designed to provide student leaders a space to learn, lead and love their campus through service. Thier goal is to provide programming that emphasizes spiritual formation and growth on campus.

The Campus Ministry council is chosen each year during the Spring semester and consist of a variety of leadership positions for students to grow and exercise their gifts on campus.

Campus Community Team:

The community team exists as an outreach arm for ministry on campus. This team offers events, programs and looks to mobilize students to be on mission in the various areas of campus life. 

Discipleship Team:

The discipleship team seeks to intentionally develop faith growth opportunities where students can deepen their faith in small groups, leadership training and mentor relationships. 

Worship Team:

The worship team oversees the planning and execution of the weekly Vine student worship service. Along with providing a weekly place for students to worship this team will also help develop and plan a variety of student worship experiences

For information contact the University Minister. 

Trent Creason

University Minister

Campus Ministries
Ransdell Chapel
View Full Profile
Image of Trent Creason