Course Offerings

Sociology Major: 33 Hours

Required Courses: 12 Hours

SOC 110* Introduction to Sociology 3
SOC 361 Social Statistics 3
SOC 362 Methods of Research 3
SOC 473 Social Theory 3

Sociology Electives: 21 Hours

Choose courses totaling at least 21 hours. At least 15 hours must be taken in courses numbering 300 or above.

SOC 225 Social Stratification and Mobility 3
SOC 230 Social Problems 3
SOC 235 Criminology 3
SOC 280* Special Topics 3
SOC 312 Organizational Behavior 3
SOC 321 Cultural Geography and Anthropology 3
SOC 331 Marriage and Family 3
SOC 332 Juvenile Delinquency 3
SOC 333 Group Dynamics 3
SOC 340 Sociology of Religion 3
SOC 341 Social Psychology 3
SOC 342 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 343 Gender Studies 3
SOC 371 Public Opinion 3
SOC 375 Practicum 3
SOC 380 Special Topics 3
SOC 390 Independent Study 3
SOC 400 Special Topics 3
SOC 413 Sociology of Deviant Behavior 3
SOC 415 Family Violence 3
SOC 425 Death, Dying, and Bereavement 3
SOC 430 Environmental Sociology 3
SOC 431 Civil Liberties 3
SOC 460 Aging 3
SOC 480 Special Topics 3
SOC 490 Independent Study 3


*General Education Course