Course Offerings

Political Science Major: 36 Hours

Core Requirements: 18 Hours

Take each course listed below:
POL 110 American Government 3
POL 361 Social Statistics 3
POL 362 Methods of Research 3
POL 482 Western Political Philosophy 3
POL 499 Senior Seminar 3

Choose one course from this list:
POL 341 Comparative Government 3
POL 352 International Relations 3

Electives: 18 Hours

Choose six courses from this list:
POL 122 State and Kentucky Government 3
POL 201 Introduction to Political Science 3
POL 315 World Geography 3
POL/ENV 320 Environmental Politics 3
POL 336 Modern Presidency 3
POL 341 Comparative Government 3
POL 345 Topics in Democratization 3
POL 351 American Diplomacy 3
POL 352 International Relations 3
POL 355 Global Human Rights 3
POL/FLM 375 Politics and Film 3
POL 382 American Constitutional Development 3
POL 405 Terrorism Studies 3
POL 430 Public Administration 3
POL 431 Civil Liberties 3
POL 442 Political Geography 3
POL 451 Political Parties 3
POL 453 Public Opinion 3
POL 465 International Organizations 3
POL 480 Special Topics 3
POL 485 Independent Study 1-3
POL 495 Practicum in Political Science 1-6