Course Offerings

Economics Minor: 21 Hours

Take each course on this list:
ECO 221 Macroeconomics 3
ECO 222 Microeconomics 3

Note: If this minor is paired with either the Business Ad ministration or Accounting major, two approved substitution courses must be taken.

Choose one course from this list:
ECO 361 Social Statistics 3
MTH 130 Elementary Statistics 3

Choose four courses from this list: 12 Hours
ECO 321 Economic History of the United States 3
ECO 332 Economic Geography 3
ECO 342 Labor Problems 3
ECO 343 Consumption Economics/Personal Finance 3
ECO 352 Money and Banking 3
ECO 370 Managerial Economics 3
ECO 375 Health Economics 3
ECO 451 Public Finance 3
ECO 452 Comparative Economic Systems 3
ECO 461 International Trade 3
ECO 472 Government and Industry 3
ECO 475 History of Economic Thought 3