Course Offerings

Business Administration Area - Healthcare Management Emphasis: 63 Hours

Core Requirements: 33 Hours
Core Requirements
Healthcare Management Emphasis: 24 Hours

Take each course on this list:
BA 300 Contemporary Healthcare Management 3
BA 325 Legal and Ethical Environment of Healthcare Management 3
BA 350 Health Policy and Politics 3
BA 375 Health Economics 3
BA 400 Financial Management in Healthcare 3
BA 425 Health Services Information Management 3
BA 450 Strategic Healthcare Management 3
BA 385/485 Internship 3-6

Choose any 6 hours from any upper level courses in ACC/BA/BIT/CIS/ECO: 6 Hours

General Education Requirements
These courses must be taken as part of the General Education component and not as part of this area.
ECO 221 Macroeconomics 3
MTH 111 College Algebra 3
CIS 100 Computer Concepts and Applications 3

Regarding the CPA Examination - Most states require additional education beyond the traditional bachelor's degree to fulfill the requirement for taking the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. At Campbellsville University, this additional requirement can be obtained by completing the Master of Business Administration program (see Graduate school bulletin-catalog for more information).

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