Rhonda Simpson, Dr.

Assistant Professor of Education

Education Building
Rhonda Simpson, Ed.D.
Employed by CU August 2023
Adjunct at Western Kentucky University 2014-2019
Served as a Director of Special Education/Preschool Coordinator in the public schools for twenty years and a special education teacher for nine years. 
2022 Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children Special Education Administrator of the Year 
2012 The Relationship Between Reading and Mathematics Achievement of Students with Disabilities and Least Restrictive Environment Practices in Kentucky. (Doctoral Dissertation, Western Kentucky University)
2012 Doctor of Education, Western Kentucky University 
1999 Certification for Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services 
1998 Master of Arts, Western Kentucky University
1998 Certification for Director of Special Education 
1997 5th Year Special Education Certification – Learning and Behavior Disorders K-12
1994 Certificate for Teaching in the Secondary Grades 9-12 (Departmentalized 7-8 In Field)
    History and Psychology
1993 Bachelor of Arts, Western Kentucky University