Year 1
20 Credits

Term 1- Fall (6 credits)

  1. MGT 901 Required Residency I
  2. MGT 905 Inquiry to Doctoral Writing
  3. MGT 907 Business Knowledge Studies

Term 2 - Spring (7 credits)

  1. MGT 919 Seminar in Human Resource Management
  2. MGT 915 Doctoral Research Methodology
  3. MGT 951 Proposal I

Term 3 - Summer (7 credits)

  1. MGT 935 Advanced Quantitative Research and Analysis
  2. MGT 908 Emerging Issues in Marketing
  3. MGT 952 Proposal II

Year 2
21 credits

Term 4 - Fall (7 credits)

  1. MGT 902 Required Residency II
  2. MGT 945 Advanced Qualitative Research and Analysis
  3. MGT 906 Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics
  4. MGT 953 Proposal III

Term 5 - Spring (7 credits)

  1. MGT 923 Leadership in Organizations
  2. MGT 936 Emerging Issues in Global Information Technology
  3. MGT 954 Proposal IV

Term 6 - Summer (7 credits)

  1. MGT 912 Management Science & Analysis
  2. MGT 910 Advanced Managerial Communication
  3. MGT 955 Proposal V

Year 3
19 credits

Term 7 - Fall (7 credits)

  1. MGT 903 Required Residency III
  2. Specialization Course I
  3. Specialization Course II
  4. MGT 956 Proposal VI

Term 8 - Spring (6 credits)

  1. Specialization Course III
  2. Specialization Course IV
  3. Comprehensive* Exam

Term 9 - Summer (6 credits)

  1. MGT 960 Dissertation I
  2. MGT 961 Dissertation II

Year Four

For students requiring the additional year(s) and who need to stay active in the program, two options are available for each additional term: Option 1.) Enrollment in the 1-credit MGT 999 Dissertation Continuation. Option 2.) Enrollment in the 1-credit MGT 999 Dissertation Continuation and enrollment in a the BA/MGT 700 Practicum. All international students will be required to take Option 2.  All ongoing candidates must pay the annual Doctoral Student Fee until the dissertation is completed and approved by the student's committee.

*Comprehensive exam can be taken upon the completion of the core course coursework.


  1. A webinar will be scheduled in each term with their mentor in each proposal preparation

Specializations and Courses

Dissertation Information

Course Descriptions